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The content should be about the ARMED FORCES or Strategic DEFENSE Institutions of PAKISTAN. All the Audio, Videos, Photos and other visual data should be of High Quality and should not contain blurry or low quality data.

All the contributors are requested to send their content on the below mentioned Email Address:


Additionally, all the contributors are requested to also include our picture (High Quality Only) along with two-to-three sentences of Biography. Furthermore, you can also share us your Social Media Handles you want us to mention with your Quality Content on Our Website.

Important Note:

Please note that the all the Articles, Posts, Videos, etc. should be unique and free from plagiarism in order to selected for published on PAKDEFENSE.COM. Entries with the copied or plagiarized content would be rejected immediately without any notice.

Please note that we don’t publish any article or post that has been published elsewhere (including your own Website or Blog).

All the Copyright of the content would be retained by the original user. PAKDEFENSE.COM will never ever sale such content to any third party website in any case whatsoever.

As far as the length of the Article is concerned; please note that all the articles should not be less than 350 words in total in any case. 1500 Words or more would be considered as good length. 

It would take only 2-3 Days maximum to get your Unique Content reviewed and published on PAKDEFENSE.COM. All the authors would also be notified before publication of their content on this website.