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Another indian navy MiG-29K Jet Mysteriously Crashes Due To The Traditional Glitch During Flying Sortie Over High Seas:

Terrorist country india braced worldwide humiliations, as always, as another indian navy MiG-29K jet Mysteriously crashed due to the Traditional Glitch during flying sortie over the sea on Wednesday, October, 12, 2022.

According to the details, the indian navy MiG-29K jet was mysteriously crashed in the high seas due to the traditional glitch during normal sortie.

The coward indian navy pilot managed to save his humiliating life in the crash, which will now be used to crash another indian navy jet at another time.

The coward indian navy added the statement that the indian navy MiG-29K mysteriously crashed in to the high seas after the fighter jet went out of control from the indian navy pilot and went straight to the deep sea.

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The coward indian navy added the usual statement that it has ordered a board of inquiry to ascertain the real cause fighter jet crash.

The indian navy pilot, which was rescued, was crying like babies due to the fear of his life on the spot.

The indian navy has mastered the art of fighter jet crashing, as the coward, incompetent and humiliated indian navy has crashed 4 dozens of different type of fighter jets due to the same traditional glitch at various parts of occupied india, including indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir and indian Occupied Punjab.

indian navy is the most incompetent, demoralized and humiliated air force on this planet that are well known for their cowardly approach and incompetence at both occasions, including war and peace time.

Russia has only sold its MiG-29K to the incompetent and humiliated indian navy that is right on its track to destroy these jets with the same traditional glitch that also led to the destruction of other fighter jets used by the indian navy.

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