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PAKISTAN Acquires 236 Numbers Of SH-15 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers From Its Iron Brother CHINA:

For the past years, PAKISTAN ARMY is heavily invested to strengthen its artillery capability against its arch-rival india. The country is especially focusing on procuring state of the art mobile artillery solutions from its Iron Brother and All Weather Ally CHINA. In a recent development, PAKISTAN has acquired 236 numbers of SH-15 155mm Self Propelled Artillery from Iron Brother and All Weather Ally CHINA.

SH-15 155mm Wheeled Self Propelled Howitzer
SH-15 155mm Wheeled Self Propelled Howitzer

The SH-15 is a state of the art CHINESE wheeled self-propelled howitzer that is based on CHINESE renowned Shaanxi 6×6 Truck. The truck also features the armored cabin at the front and the 155 mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer is installed on the rear side of the truck.

Rear Side of SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer
Rear Side of SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer

The SH-15 wheeled self-propelled howitzer is well-protected against the artillery shell splinters and small arms. The crew cab features two large bulletproof and hardened windows at the front and two doors on each side of the cabin.

One of the distinctive features of the SH-16 wheeled self-propelled howitzer is that it can also fire nuclear-capable tactical weapons on its adversary with high accuracy and precision.

First Appearance of CHINESE SH-15 Wheeled Self-Propelled Howitzer:

The CHINESE SH-15 Wheeled Self-propelled howitzer made its first appearance at the 10th Edition of PAKISTAN’s Premier Defense Exhibition named as the International Defense Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS).

During the IDEAS Defense Exhibition, CHINA has just revealed only one picture of the self-propelled howitzer, indicating some kind of Secrecy between the two All Weather Allies PAKISTAN and CHINA.

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Nevertheless, the one picture was sufficient to declare that PAKISTAN has shown keen interest and start importing the howitzer.

Side View of SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer
Side View of SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer

The SH-15 is already in service with the People’s Liberation Army 72 Group Army in the Eastern Theatre Command, with the PLZ05 self propelled howitzer and the PHL03 MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System).

PAKISTAN ARMY has secretly carried out the trials of CHINESE SH-15 self propelled howitzer in an undisclosed mountainous area near Karachi. A leading CHINES magazine has leaked the picture of the trials.

PAKISTAN ARMY Trials of SH-15 155mm Wheeled Self Propelled Artillery At Undisclosed Location in Karachi
PAKISTAN ARMY Trials of SH-15 155 mm Wheeled Self Propelled Artillery at Undisclosed Location in Karachi

Now, PAKISTAN has ordered more than 236 numbers of the CHINESE SH-15 wheeled Self-propelled howitzer, which is enough for 12 artillery regiments.

Working Methodology of CHINESE SH-15 Wheeled Self-Propelled Howitzer:

The CHINESE SH-15 wheeled self-propelled howitzer is made by CHINA’s leading Defense Giant NORINCO or Northern industries Corporation.

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The CHINESE SH-15 wheeled self-propelled howitzer is mounted on the 6 x 6 wheeled Shaanxi armored truck. The howitzer is mounted on the rear side of the truck. The howitzer carries almost 22.5 tons of load and it is basically operated by a crew of five men in total.

CHINESE SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer
CHINESE SH-15 Self Propelled Howitzer

The body and glass of the cabin are hardened and bullet proof and can easily withstand the bullets and small armor with ease.

The manufacturer of the Howitzer claimed that the maximum firing range of the howitzer is up to 53 Kilometres with rocket-assisted artillery projectile. The howitzer is operated hydraulically, but it can also be operated manually in case of emergencies.

The 155mm long barrel howitzer equipped with the double-baffle muzzle brake system. The SH-15 wheeled self-propelled howitzer is designed to carry up to 60 rounds of ammunition in one round of operation.

The SH-15 self propelled howitzer can fire up to 6 rounds of Ammunition per minute. Furthermore, the SH-15 Self Propelled howitzer is also fully capable of direct firing role, which PAKISTAN ARMY is very fond of.

Nuclear Dimension of SH-15 Wheeled Self Propelled Howitzer:

One of the chief reasons that PAKISTAN ARMY has opted for CHINESE 155 mm wheeled self-propelled howitzer is its nuclear dimension. The SH-15 wheeled howitzer is fully capable for ‘Shoot and Scoot’ to use nuclear-capable artillery shells against the concentrated movement of indian troops, in case if the full-fledged war broke out between the two countries, PAKISTAN and india.

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Armament Storage Options for PAKISTAN ARMY SH-15 Wheeled Self Propelled Howitzer
Armament Storage Options for PAKISTAN ARMY SH-15 Wheeled Self Propelled Howitzer

It is worth mentioning that PAKISTAN has engaged years on the miniaturization of its lethal and powerful Plutonium-based Nuclear Weapons. The nuclear artillery shell of the United States military W-48 is basically a sphere of 54 mm and it uses 10 Kilograms high-density alpha plutonium.

Earlier in 2011, PAKISTAN has reportedly told the United States that PAKISTAN had been successful in producing world’s smallest nuclear warhead that is merely the size of the “Tennis Ball.

If such a ‘Tennis Ball’ size nuclear warhead is fitted in a 155 mm SH-15 wheeled Self propelled howitzer with a stated range of 53 kilometers, then it can unleash hell onto the indian security forces and it can also throw cold water to india’s cold start doctrine.

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